November 2005

May 2004. That’s when I bought the hulk. It’s now November of 2005. I have built the entire deck and cabin roof. I enlarged the cabin to an 8 foot width and almost 6 foot in height. I have reformed the cockpit. I have covered both Amas with two to three layers of fiberglass cloth. Every point of the hull that will be subjected to the force of the waves has two layers of 1/4” plywood laminated together. I have covered the bow portion of the boat over the forward compartment with two layers of fiberglass cloth and resin. I have started to cover the cabin with fiberglass. My Amas will be attached to the hull with 4” aluminum pipe as the cross beams. I haven’t figured out yet how I’ll attach the beams to the Amas, but a previous owner had embedded 4 1/2” pipe pockets into the bulkheads that the beams slide into from each side of the boat.
I have found that this is indeed a “custom” design and installation. I have had to make it up as I go along. I try to think of the implications down the road of what I am doing, but there are still a lot of little details that need to be resolved as the boat progresses.
Like a man eating an elephant, I have to tackle it one “bite” at a time.
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